Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Reunion

You are Cordially Invited to Attend the

North High School Class of 1988

20 Year Reunion


Saturday, November 8, 2008

6:30 PM until Midnight

Regovich’s Catering and Event Center

35746 Lakeland Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio 44095

Hor d’oeuvres and dessert will be served,

along with soda and draft beer

Cost: $25 per person

Dress: Casual/Dressy Casual

Payment Information: PLEASE send payment by October 11, 2008 in order to secure an accurate count for the caterer. Sorry, no refunds.

Prior to the main event, we will be holding a ROAD RALLY/Scavenger Hunt. Cars must meet in the parking lot of Regovich’s Catering Center at 3PM. If you were not a part of the ROAD RALLY our senior year, it is basically a huge scavenger hunt and it was a blast! There is no extra upfront cost involved. Simply meet at Regovich’s Catering Center by 3PM in a car of 2-4 people, bring a digital camera and a few extra dollars for small purchases along the way.

For questions and details on payment info, email

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