Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Reunion

You are Cordially Invited to Attend the

North High School Class of 1988

20 Year Reunion


Saturday, November 8, 2008

6:30 PM until Midnight

Regovich’s Catering and Event Center

35746 Lakeland Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio 44095

Hor d’oeuvres and dessert will be served,

along with soda and draft beer

Cost: $25 per person

Dress: Casual/Dressy Casual

Payment Information: PLEASE send payment by October 11, 2008 in order to secure an accurate count for the caterer. Sorry, no refunds.

Prior to the main event, we will be holding a ROAD RALLY/Scavenger Hunt. Cars must meet in the parking lot of Regovich’s Catering Center at 3PM. If you were not a part of the ROAD RALLY our senior year, it is basically a huge scavenger hunt and it was a blast! There is no extra upfront cost involved. Simply meet at Regovich’s Catering Center by 3PM in a car of 2-4 people, bring a digital camera and a few extra dollars for small purchases along the way.

For questions and details on payment info, email

The Questionnaire:

Cut & Paste these questions into an email and send it to Include any recent pics as well as photos from our days at North High. I'll post everyone's responses here!

Current Info:
1. What's your name?
2. Where do you live?
3. What did you want to be when you grew up, and what did you end up doing?
4. Tell us about your family!
5. What movies, books. TV shows do you like?
6. What are your hobbies?
7. Favorite vacation destination?
8. Who did you keep in touch with after graduation?

9. What is your favorite memory of high school?
10. What's the strangest thing you did in school?
11. How do you think people remember you?
12. Who was your biggest crush?
13. Favorite teacher?
14. What music did you listen to back in high school?
15. What car did you drive?

Add more questions, or skip some. Include links to any personal websites you'd like to share with everyone (including blogs, Facebook, Photo Albums, etc...) Have fun with it!

A Blog for NHS Class of 88

With our 20 year reunion fast approaching, I thought it would be fun to create a blog. The blog can be used as a place for everyone to get the latest info on the reunion, as well as seeing what everyone's been up to the last 20 years.

Things we can use the blog for:
  • Catching up with old friends
  • Showing off photos of kids, dogs, etc...
  • Finding friends we've lost touch with
  • Reminisce about the (mostly) good old days
  • Share old photos (lots of perms and propped collars back in the 80's...)

Anyone can comment on posts, and I'll add anything to the blog (as long as it won't get me arrested!)